
Bilingual space for queer & feminist writing – French & english textual experimentations

On love and desire

I am talking about the feeling of not being able to act on what is right for you, what is truly your well-being. I am talking about being paralyzed by what is perceived by ‘being in love’ – intoxicating, forcing stillness and infinite questioning of your own desires for yourself.  

Is it trauma or is it love ? Is it repeating patterns or being stubborn ?  

I have in my mind the spectacular ability of imagining what could be, what could occur if 

If what ? If we were in an ideal world, if we were stuck on an ideal, just the two of us, having to deal with one another with overwhelming love and understanding because that would be the only thing to do.  

We are resisting and, in this resistance, inside the processes of not-accepting the status quo, whilst trying to find ways and tools and words and pieces of arts able to incarnate counter-powers to their hate, there is hazard.

For a long time, I’ve been wondering how can we know we’re at the right place, at the right moment. I wonder what spaces, what places will appear now that I’m not running anymore… My back on the leather seat, salted sweat drops rolling down my temples, I look outside. The numbers, colours and letters intertwine and the radio spills words in Spanish that I don’t understand. I’m holding the thread connecting me to Earth, I am here, already, transforming my fight–  


6:19 pm, September 7th, 2014 – Day 1 – Mexico City – NOVEL, The Dancer, 2022

Louie Z Marat/ Alizée Pichot Feminist Revolutionary – Queer disobedient.

Copyright Alizée Pichot – 2022